Update and bloglovin✩

Omg can't believe it' been 3 months since I last wrote on my blog. 
I'm really REALLY sorry you guys, I just had a lot on my plate. I feel like that's an excuse I use every time but honestly my studies have made me almost isolated from the outside world. When I'm not in school, I work, and in my social time I'm with my boyfriend since I didn't get to see him that much either...and the fact that he's leaving to study abroad in a couple weeks makes it even harder to blog because of me wanting to spend the time we have left this summer, together. We'll be going to London for a week on the 14th of July though:) I saved up a lot just to shop, eat(I loooooove food lol) and have fun exploring the big capital! 

Also I have finally made bloglovin account since I heard Google is closing the Google reader so please follow me on there if you're following me on blogspot.

Follow on Bloglovin

As for now I will just show some outfits I have worn while being bothered to dress a bit "nicely":P Noticed lately my style has become more and more inspired by korean fashion again...


Some face shots (sorry for camwhoring). 

Curled my hair with braids...heard I look older...braided hair no more.

Tried my hair a different style than usual. Inspired by Minah from Girl's Day:) (not as cute as her though lol).

Hope to blog about my time in London after I get back, and also I have some product reviews coming up! Dunno if I should make a vlog or just a blog post. 
What do you guys think?^^

baibai lovelies *heart*



  1. Your hair looks so lovely with those curls *ö*

    *Wonderland gone mad*

    1. aww thank you:3

      I cut my split ends though so now I try not to curl my hair or straighten it anymore which is hard because I love curly hair >_<

  2. I think those curls suit you perfectly! :)


    1. Thank you very much:3 I don't like curling my hair because I always think I look oler than I am >_<

  3. nice outfits!


  4. Hi Hun! Thanks for stopping by. You have the cutest outfit cords ever! I followed you! I'm looking forward to more outfit post =D


    1. Awww thank you cutie^^ I haven't been the best of posting recent things but hopefully I will get to do it this week:3
