New fluffy poncho
Right now I'm blogging from a cabin:)
I got asked by some friends to join up to the cabin as a small skitrip. Today almost everyone has left to go skiing while a few of us are still here at the cabin. Everyone's sleeping while I'm blogging >_> I'm bored so I'm allowed to...
I wanted to show you what I FINALLY got. Those who have me on their fb and/or twitter know I've been waiting for this package for a month and a half. I ordered from Treasure Japan and quite honestly I'm dissappointed in their service. First of all it took FOREVER for me to get the package,understanding it was a rush before the New Year's Eve, but I ordered this package in like first week of december. Second they treat their customers differently. I had asked them to do a thing for me,while my friends who have ordered from there before said TJ does that thing for them, TJ did not want to do it for ME. It was really annoying of how differently they treated me. I don't think the way they treat each of their customers differently is going to give them more service.
But w/e. Next time I'm ordering from eurogal or another site. But now onto the package. This was actually a x-mas gift from my bf. But since it didn't arrive in time for x-mas I got another gift from him. But this one I have been drooling over for a while.
Isn't it beautiful?

I got the one in off white color. Didn't really think the brown one was that pretty.
Btw it looks way shorter on me than I thought it would. On the site pictures it looks quite long. And honestly I'm not THAT tall, 166-167cm, but oh well I still love it!
And on me ofc^^

And a random outfit shot from previous day:)

This post was mainly to show you my new poncho:3
Until next time!
jeg har brukt tj 3 ganger og har alltid vært superfornøyd med dem,jeg :O jeg rota det til og med skikkelig opp for dem første gangen jeg skulle shoppe, men jeg fikk pakken min etter 14 dager :'D så er mulig du bare var superuheldig, men det er da min mening XD kåpa var skikkelig søøt!
ReplyDeletejeg var sikkert veldig uheldig men når de ikke vil skrive noe om toll(du husker vel det jeg skrev på fb) så følte jeg det var forskjellsbehandling:/
ReplyDeleteHahahaha, jeg leste at TJ ikke ville gjøre noe for deg, som i Troy. xD Din't make sense at first.
ReplyDeleteI love your new poncho, it's soooooo cute~ And it suits you very well! <3
Have fun at the cabin in the mountains!
the poncho look so pretty and i love your red coat :)
ReplyDeleteKake: lol neyda mente treasure japan:P takk<3 elsker ponchoen^^ og takk det skal jeg<3
ReplyDeleteConnys World: thank you very much:3
Hey :3 i loove this poncho! definetely looks good on you! I don't have have any ponchos at home (whyy?? T.T) so yeah this makes me want to get one as well ;)