Hello lovelies~
Finally comes the post with new stuff I bought. But before that I wanted to show you something else.
So last week I ordered new hair extensions from hairtrade.com. They arrived and I got them yesterday.

But here's the thing; I ordered darker ones because they didn't seem to have my haircolor so I thought a bit darker won't hurt. When I got them they were more red-brown than dark brown:S how the fuck is that possible? I was really upset.

(my old extensions on the left and new ones on the right. see the huge difference?)
It says gold?

My mom saw me upset and went "can't you mix the old ones with the new ones?" lol I was way too upset to even think about that. So I went ahead and added my old ones and woop it turned out pretty nice:) though I'm still going to color them.

Oh and outfit for the day. I was about to go out to meet my bf.

I felt so girly it was a bit weird lol I was playing with my extensions all day *tard* xD

Usamimi - H&M

Blush and brown pencil eyeliner - MAC

Oxford shoes - Din Sko

Shorts - (left to right) NewYorker and the others from H&M

Everything from NewYorker

Short waisted sweaters - I believe all from H&M

Faux leather jacket - Bik Bok

Cute beige trench coat - H&M

Faux fur foxtail - H&M
(impulse buy,not sure how I feel about it)

cute straw boater hat - Lindex

Very cute flower underwear - NewYorker

Blazer - NewYorker
I f-ing love this buy. I always wanted a blazer but it tends to be too expensive. So when I went to Sweden with my brother I was happy to see NewYorker again(love that store) and saw this blazer only 300kr!
My bf was in amsterdam last week and he bought me presents. It was really sweet of him<3

Can't believe this cost 600kr, seriously it's wow that he would spend that much for a present to me O_O It's body scrub with coconut smell and body butter with coconut and vanilla. The scrub is AH-MAZING! When I used it it hurt a bit(because I have wounds some places) but when I washed it off, man my body felt like silk! Love the gift even more.
And ofc he got me hello kitty lollipops^^ haha he knows me too well:3

the orange foxtail is froms H&M??? OMG! I want it! *_*
ReplyDeleteAaaah sÃ¥nn hello kitty-boks har jeg og! Fikk den ogsÃ¥ fra typen min XD ♥
ReplyDeleteKjempefine ting du har kjøpt, selv elsker jeg og Newyorker, har vært på den i København en del ganger og hamstret klær XD
Cale: yeah it is:P
ReplyDeleteAcid: hehe boyfriends think alike I guess xD
takker^^ ja lol jeg hadde masse penger etter jeg dro fra Oslo den helgen, og hamstret så mye jeg kunne. Skulle kjøpe sko også(høye wedges)men fant desverre ikke noen:(
Wow, I really love your new clothes and you look gorgeous with the new extentions! Really great! :D I want to go shopping now too xD