This post was actually going to be posted weeks and weeks ago but I didn’t have time to write(still don’t but had to be done with it).
I finally curled my extensions using the aluminium foil-method and it works:D My extensions are STILL curly!
The first day I just let my hair loose without doing anything special to it, clipping the sides.
outfit that day:
The second day I decided to do a agejo inspired look. I can honestly say I failed becasue I wanted it to be poofier, but my hair won’t allow it no matter how much I tease it or how much hairspray I use >_> decided I’m gonna buy a wig so I can tease the satan out of it!
Noticed how much I miss being "gyaru-fied". When I was into gyaru I never thought too much make-up was actually too much, or that too much bling on my nails was too much, or that my hair being poofy was too much. Now,sadly it’s become like that. Everything is TOO much. I get the anxiety that it looks really weird compared to other people where I live. Even though I still like gyaru and take inspiration from it, and LOVE agejo and kuronba look lately, I don’t think I’m going to try it in the near future. Maybe it’s just not me anymore? I don’t know tbqh:/
Wrote by Anya