A short short update. Nothing special I'm sorry:(
Love my red coat paired with fake fur collar and thigh high boots. Gives a ladylike feeling no?^^

Two different looks. I swear but my camera takes crappy photos and especially lately when it's dark outside and not enough light!
Cleaned my room the other day and cleaned my nail+deco-den+eyelash drawer:)

Also got a new make-up bag from H&M. It's cute with that bow^^

Aaaaaand today I started tanning again. I feel so pale during winter and I had some cash on my tanning card,that my mom recharged,that I though 15 minutes isn't a lot for a week:)

small and boring update but I guess I say that every entry.
LOL all my entries are boring though! :DD
Writing from my new Macbook Pro which I got from my family for birthday:)
Sorry I didn't update sooner but I didn't have time because I either doing school work, working, trying to find perfect birthday- and christmas presents or just hanging with my friends. Also I haven't been really inspired to dress up. But when I did dress up(and remembered to snap a pic of it) I took pictures:)

It was surprisingly warm that day I didn't have to wear wool much clothes (sounds so weird -_-')
That's a new shirt I bought. It was so cute and cheap as well. I was really surprised. Love finding cute things for cheap cash:3

Everything is new here. Both the sweater and the skirt. Gives me a xmas-feeling imo. But I will do something to that sweater. It needs cuteness! Btw I’m really happy I fit into a size 36 at H&M….I lost some weight which is good:D

I didn't feel like wearing the new sweater just yet so I changed a bit...

Then a chillax outfit.

My new f-ing cool ring I got from my mum.
ALSO cut my bangs again. It was starting to get long...
Other than that boring life is seriously boring. I need to get my lazy ass, unlazy and have time to dress up(while remembering to snap pictures for you guys!).
I was suppose to post this on sunday already but waited since I was lazy to update. SORRAY! I won't write so much but show some of my outfits and halloween stuff.
I've been crazy over over knee socks lately. Seriously like everyday. It's great the weather isn't that cold but not too warm which means it's perfect for these kind of socks:)
See something red there? It's a necklace alright! I got this for my birthday. Weekend before last one. I had a blast. First I was taken to a vietnamese restaurant by my man. Btw the food there is AH-MAY-ZING! Then he gave me this cute little box and when I opened it there was this necklace:
He told me it symbolizes our love. And he's right. Not only was it not over-the-top but it was red which I'm into again:)
I often pair it up with this coat. WHICH btw I fixed the buttons and changed them from black to gold:3 Got lots of compliments for it. And a random lady(around 30y) even asked me where I've gotten it xD

Also got me some new sheets!! I finally found the perfect Hello Kitty sheets and also bought the HK pillow and the pink blanket^^

As for halloween. Most people celebrated halloween on the 29th of October which was a saturday. I first went to Oda,
Christine and Emile for their halloween party. And there I met
Maria and Erlend again. I had super fun with them but had to go early for another party >_< I promised one of my good friends I would go to her party but I wanted to see those crazyweirdawesome people at the other party first!
Now onto my costume. Guess what I was?:D

Hehe yeah I was a sailor puppet xD The only thing I forgot to make was the strings on the hand and legs and that wood x or cross,whatever it is, to attach the strings to. But oh well.
Hopefully I can post my whole outfit once the pictures are up on fb.
Hope you guys had a nice halloween celebration.