Been only listening to TOKIO since I rediscovered sorafune. Man I remember I used to LOVE My Boss My Hero,still do though:D
Anyways showing a boring outfit, same as any other day only change of shoes and sort of hairstyle *cough*

I really REALLY wanted to wear my hair like this. But f my long-horse-ass-face is a mess so I can't pull it off ;_;

Ended up like that above >_> I'm really wondering why my parents didn't disown my ass when I was born. Who on earth wants to keep an ugly child lol?
Blah blah blah got new stuff for spring(rather summer since we fucking have no spring now GRRR)

Earrings and a ring for 40kr at outlet!

bangles for only 10kr at H&M:O bargain!

Love these shorts. So girly,so retro,so in love with it!

I never had a shorts that was this short and tight around the thighs(I hate my thighs so I try to cover them up as much as possible) but this one is actually pretty nice. Not only is it not too tight, it's also short enough for me to actually be able to wear it without looking like a walrus:D
The title says it all.
I might tell you guys what it's about, but for now I just want someone to say to me "it's going to be okey" without asking for the reason.
Oh well. I'll give you some pictures so you don't go crazy on me for bringing you down to my level heh *attempt at non-fake-smile*
I went to a second interview with the same store and the boss didn't like my clothes, later I got comments from friends and family saying I was maybe a bit too "exposed". So wearing a fucking skirt and thigh-high boots where you can only see like 5cm of my thighs is fucking EXPOSED? what? am I too fucking sexy for that store? apparently I am if you ask my bf...(not that I mind being sexy:P)
Seriously? I don't think the boss of that store ever liked me. I mean she commented on my accent? Yeah I know I'm not norwegian, I fucking get it, I wrote it down on my application, I even pointed it out several times, so why is there such a need to comment on my accent and vocabulary skills? If I can do my job right and good I don't see why my accent should interfere with my WORKING skills?!
I guess Norway isn't ready for skirts,thigh-high boots and a little skin?
Tuesday's outfit.

Today's outfit.
(I bet she would've loved this outfit...)

Feel like I'm in a muslim country for crying out loud(not dissin' islam but Norway is suppose to be this liberal country yet it sometimes feels like we're still in the 18th century).

Curled my this I guess. The picture says more than 1000 words.
I look like crap though. But I don't think it's weird considering I've been crying all day yesterday.
whatevs...going to sleep now.
...laik I'm such a camwhore y'all.
no seriously.
but you know laik whatevaaa biatches. It's ma blog so yea...
I wanted to show you some pics from Sunday.
*enter rebecca black friday song*
Uhm yeah. I ended up doing my make-up and hair etc. like I used to do it before, tsuyome gal kind of style. I can't believe how much I missed looking like this instead of this cutesy type I've become lately(lot of it has to do with me having a bf and wanting to look more cute for him >_>).
Got some p(orn)ics.

tsuyome gal-ish...I suppose.

my meikuuuu that day(totally said meiku for the all the hypes about the usage of the word:DD)

lol I look like a bitch here:'D
and ma nose is all russian on me!

I is so manly yo. Bitches better recognize!
but you know, all those pics above are photshopped to hell.
What I really look like is this....