Merry x-mas once again^^
I hope you had a lovely christmas eve and keep on having a fun holiday! I myself am starting work again on tuesday,which s fine since I'm sooo bored at home xD I'm used to doing stuff like going to school,working,being with friends, that once I am home all day I get bored easily.
But now I'm going to show you some of the gifts I got from my family and friends!
Our biiiig christmas tree. I got to decorate it all by myself this year!

Gifts for my family and the gift on far right(red) is from my man to me.

Omg I would've never guessed I was going to get that from him:DD
For the people who don't know me I am a HUUUUUGE eagle lover!! (along with wolves/wolf dogs). But the most amazing part is that he adopted an eagle for me because they are endangered! I was so happy that I got tears in my eyes >__< He is so thoughtful<3

A really girly and cute watch from my dad as well as a gift card!

UGG boots from my mom and I also got money from her^^

Hair straightener from my brother.Which is very nice since I actually broke my other one:D

A very pretty snow angel from a very good friend of mine! I wanted one since I was little:3

Hello Kitty necklace from another friend! It's so sparkly ><

My mom got this make-up kit from my dad but she doesn't use make-up much so she gave it to me. So far the quality isn't that bad, after all I'm a MAC girl and used to good quality make-up. But I will test it out very soon.
So that's it! I am soooo grateful for all the presents I got! Hope you got what you wished for:)
To all my readers I wish you all a Merry Christmas!:D
I'm sitting here packing gifts and listening to old christmas songs. Even though it's raining I finally have a christmas feeling. I'm going to get dolled up later and decorate the christmas tree YAY!
This year I wish for only one thing; happiness in life. But I do appreciate any gifts I get:3

What do you,my lovely readers,wish to get this year?^___^
A short short update. Nothing special I'm sorry:(
Love my red coat paired with fake fur collar and thigh high boots. Gives a ladylike feeling no?^^

Two different looks. I swear but my camera takes crappy photos and especially lately when it's dark outside and not enough light!
Cleaned my room the other day and cleaned my nail+deco-den+eyelash drawer:)

Also got a new make-up bag from H&M. It's cute with that bow^^

Aaaaaand today I started tanning again. I feel so pale during winter and I had some cash on my tanning card,that my mom recharged,that I though 15 minutes isn't a lot for a week:)

small and boring update but I guess I say that every entry.
LOL all my entries are boring though! :DD
Writing from my new Macbook Pro which I got from my family for birthday:)
Sorry I didn't update sooner but I didn't have time because I either doing school work, working, trying to find perfect birthday- and christmas presents or just hanging with my friends. Also I haven't been really inspired to dress up. But when I did dress up(and remembered to snap a pic of it) I took pictures:)

It was surprisingly warm that day I didn't have to wear wool much clothes (sounds so weird -_-')
That's a new shirt I bought. It was so cute and cheap as well. I was really surprised. Love finding cute things for cheap cash:3

Everything is new here. Both the sweater and the skirt. Gives me a xmas-feeling imo. But I will do something to that sweater. It needs cuteness! Btw I’m really happy I fit into a size 36 at H&M….I lost some weight which is good:D

I didn't feel like wearing the new sweater just yet so I changed a bit...

Then a chillax outfit.

My new f-ing cool ring I got from my mum.
ALSO cut my bangs again. It was starting to get long...
Other than that boring life is seriously boring. I need to get my lazy ass, unlazy and have time to dress up(while remembering to snap pictures for you guys!).