Who's going to celebrate Halloween this year? And are you going to a party or just staying in with popcorn and scary movies?:)
This year, like the rest of them, I'm going to a party. I was a pirate last year and year before that a witch. How...original. This year; it's nothing new that my originality still blows.
Can you guess what I'm gonna go as?;D here's some clues.

Tomorrow,or the day after tomorrow, I'll post pics of my outfit! And I hope others do too because I want to see what people have dressed up as!
I decided to blog in english from now on. Reason being; I wanted to keep blogging in norwegian but when I looked at my followers,most of them seem to be international.
I do apologize for the mistakes I will be making in english, but hey as long as you understand me right?

(lol if people are wondering why I keep using this pic all over the place, it's because I like the make-up here xD)
I made a new layout,FINALLY! I've been so lazy with making a new one. And I started making a new banner and the whole thing got lost when I,stupid stupid stupid,decided not to save. My PS got ass-fucked and erased everything, shutting itself down. So I just made a simple banner because I didn't have the patience to start all over again.
Turning 20 this Saturday, not really fun. I want to stay 19 forever. I mean this is the best year, I'm still a teenager but at the same time I'm more adult...ish? Well you get the picture.
Seriously considering going to Tsukicon in Helsinki to see Aina and Yumachi. Damn but money issue is such a bitch. I need a job.
New hair:

(I'm gonna dye it again quite soon, even though I like this haircolor I want to change it again)
on to the make-up and outfits for the past few weeks. Not many since I was sort of lazy with taking pictures.



La merke jeg har vært i en brainfart modus og har ikke oppdatert her på 2-3 måneder?
Det er litt gale men jeg har hatt det så hektisk i det siste. Har faktisk eksamen i morgen så istedet for å lese sitter jeg og blogger? great. Med sånn holdning blir det flaks at jeg består.
Ney nå overdriver jeg, har nå lest en god del og føler meg relativt klar(heller at jeg vil bli ferdig med driten) så har jeg eksamen på onsdag også. Og etter det tar jeg meg fri for uken for så å jobbe intenst uken etter der igjen. Føles som at livet går i en slags sirkel. Har vært litt glad igjen i noen dager men så ble det bare masse bullshit i livet igjen også er det på bunn igjen.
Det er akkurat som at noen vil ikke jeg skal være glad. Er det virkelig mye å forlange? Og ikke nok med det men jeg har vurdert å droppe japansken helt. Det er så mye stress at jeg har rett og slett ikke motivasjon for skole engang. Sørgelig.
Whatever, this shit is getting old...så!...
Jeg vil vise noen nye ting.
Blondekjole - H&M

Singlet/topp - H&M

Jakke - Vintage(nesten helt ny da)

Leggvarmere - Lindex

Klokke - gave

Belte - offbrand.

Strømper - Lindex

Hale...greie - Weekday